Two Days in the Sun then a Reality Check!!

Two Days in the Sun then a Reality Check!!

Monday has never been my friend, it always slams into me like a fierce wave before tossing around before plonking me back on land then doing it all over again. It may sound dramatic but I can’t stress enough how dramatically Monday impacts my executive functioning. Executive functioning is basically all the skills required to get things done, so you can understand why its major […]

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Christmas Wishes & Good News

Christmas Wishes & Good News

Hey Everyone This is the last blog article I’ll be doing until 2024!! I can’t believe it’s already that time of year again already! Lots to reflect upon; some good and some bad! I was wondering whether to do my last blog article next week, but currently I’m swamped with lots of plans for this website in the new year, so I really need those […]

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Emotional Eating

Raising awareness of all things ADHD! - ADHD pexels adrienn 1537635 scaled

This article may come some way too explaining why I have posted as frequently lately too. So lately I’ve been going through a rather tough time. Some stuff has come up from my past connected to my present, and I’ve realised that I’d probably benefit from some counselling. I mean aside from having ADHD which means my brain keeps whirling at an ultra fast level, […]

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