SEND Reform

Houses of parliament Send government policy

Sorry for the delay in posting this ADHDers! It’s been a manic week or two trying to get prepared for Christmas among other things. In recent news the education secretary under the newly formed Labour government announced plans to overhaul the SEN system in the UK, at a recent conference. Of course, those of us with SEN children or those who know SEN children have […]

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Why I’m not Excited about an ADHD Task Force!

Raising awareness of all things ADHD! - ADHD pexels tara winstead 8378728 1 scaled

As you might have seen in the news lately, the NHS know has a task force specifically for ADHD, but while some ADHD organisations may be treating this news with jubilation I tend to air on the side of caution with this sort of thing. Many reliable news sources (that’s the newspapers and media free of tabloid fodder or gossip) report that this taskforce has […]

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Should Having ADHD Provide Financial Benefits?

Should Having ADHD Provide Financial Benefits?

The other day I saw an article in a national newspaper that stated there has been a huge increase in the amount of people claiming Personal Independence Payments (PIP) in the UK for ADHD. PIP is basically a disability allowance for those who struggle to do normal daily tasks due to a health/ medical condition. Obviously the diagnosis figures around the world for ADHD continue […]

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What are the UK Government doing for ADHDers?

What are the UK Government doing for ADHDers? Government buildings

Well we’re now in mid-January and those of us with ADHD or raising ADHDers are not well aware of the medication shortage and feeling it’s effects. It’s becoming near impossible to physically get hold of ADHD medication in pharmacies nationwide and the main supplier of ADHD medication has said this issue will continue until April of 2024. It’s like us ADHDers are stuck in a […]

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ADHD is not Fashionable, but it is a Diagnosable Condition!

ADHD is not Fashionable, but it is a Diagnosable Condition!

A few weeks ago, Philippa Perry, a published author and psychotherapist, made some rather concerning comments about ADHD in the mainstream media. She said that it is now considered fashionable to have ADHD, well not to burst her bubble but having ADHD has never got me anywhere in terms of being top of the pecking order, let alone the fashion catalogue. Of course, she did […]

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ADHD Drug Shortage!

ADHD Drug Shortage!

On the 27th of September, the UK government issued an alert over a shortage of ADHD medication in the U.K. The USA is also facing a similar situation, and though the shortage is due to be over by December it’s understandably a situation which have millions of ADHDers and parents of ADHDers up in arms. It’s difficult for those people who don’t have ADHD or […]

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ADHDers Rep-re-sent!

Man reading newspaper

So one of the things I’m always interested to hear about and see, is how ADHD is represented in politics and also in the media, because I think these are the biggest influences in spreading awareness, but sometimes misconceptions. In terms of politics, did you know that there is an ADHD group in parliament? It’s called the All Party Parliamentary Group for ADHD? The only […]

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