Typewriter with word goals - about ADHD goals

We ADHDers never tend to think of ourselves of people who can achieve goals for two main reasons; one we’ve put down so much that by the time we reach adulthood we think we’re incapable of doing anything write or/ and two; we’ve never learned to set goals in a way that really benefit us. Fortunately, and unfortunately, I’ve been on both ends of that […]

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Why Discipline is NOT a dirty word!!

Why Discipline is NOT a dirty word!! child and paren

Any parent knows that disciplining your child for inappropriate behaviour is a double-edged sword! You have stern words with your child? Instant guilt! You take something away from them? Instant guilt! You stop then doing something they enjoy? Instant guilt! Nobody said being a parent was an easy business and those who do say it have clearly never been parents. So yes, parenting alone is […]

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Should Having ADHD Provide Financial Benefits?

Should Having ADHD Provide Financial Benefits?

The other day I saw an article in a national newspaper that stated there has been a huge increase in the amount of people claiming Personal Independence Payments (PIP) in the UK for ADHD. PIP is basically a disability allowance for those who struggle to do normal daily tasks due to a health/ medical condition. Obviously the diagnosis figures around the world for ADHD continue […]

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What are the UK Government doing for ADHDers?

What are the UK Government doing for ADHDers? Government buildings

Well we’re now in mid-January and those of us with ADHD or raising ADHDers are not well aware of the medication shortage and feeling it’s effects. It’s becoming near impossible to physically get hold of ADHD medication in pharmacies nationwide and the main supplier of ADHD medication has said this issue will continue until April of 2024. It’s like us ADHDers are stuck in a […]

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For the Love of Me (with ADHD!)

For the Love of Me (with ADHD!)

I am writing this about nine minutes before this blog article is due to go live, so no pressure, ey? Everything just seems to have gotten away from my over this past week. As I’ve said in previous blog articles I suffer from seasonal affective disorder which means that November-January for me is definitely no picnic. Thankfully I’m over the worst part of it which […]

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