A place to find out all the important around the world updates about ADHD including new research, the medication shortage and more…
Medication Shortage now Postcode Lotttery across UK!
We’re getting mixed messages across different areas/ pharmacies about their stock of ADHD medication with some places saying they have a surplus supply while others are still struggling to get hold of any at all. This may be down to the use of different suppliers. For more up to date information on this issue you can check out the medication watch part of our website here.
NHS to launch New Taskforce for ADHD!
In April, the NHS announced it would be launching a taskforce to support the increased demand of services for ADHD. While this could be a very positive thing, let’s hope it’s not just an attempt to cut funding in certain areas due to overwhelming demand. More to follow..
UK ADHDers worried their Benefits to Stop Over Changes to System!
Last week, the UK Prime Minster came under fire for stating that there are many people recieving Personal Independence Payments (PIP) who despite their difficulties are able to work. Furthermore, the government are due to release a green paper in the coming week which will propose to change the eligibility critera. Several disability groups have spoken out in protest saying this targets the most vulnerable. More to follow...
Got any information on ADHD news stories that we aren’t covering, globally or nationally? You can email us at contact@adhdandme.org and we’ll look into them.