Medication Watch

Below find all the information and news you need about the ADHD medication shortage in the UK. We will update this regularly as the situation changes.

News Alerts

  • BREAKING– Latest update from NHS England to parents/ carers regarding ADHD Medication shortage, click here to view.
  • We are hearing that a lot of pharmacies across the UK are experiencing difficulties of getting hold of Equasym XL 20mg. The most recent advice is to ask your doctor/ ADHD nurse to prescribe 2 X 10mg of Equasym XL instead.
  • There has been a few things making their way into the media about long-term use of some ADHD medications causing heart problems. Is this the reason for the current shortage? Are they trying to adapt the ingredients some how? ADHD and Me is determined to try and bring you some of the important answers to these questions.


Raising awareness of all things ADHD! - ADHD pexels anna tarazevich 5697261
What to do?

If you can’t get hold of your current ADHD medication at your regular pharmacy, firstly try to source it from other pharmacies in your area checking what supplier they use. If you still can’t get hold of it then you need to go to your GP who may be able to offer you an alternative. The NHS admit there will be some difficult challenges ahead.

When will this resolve?

The NHS are still advising that the manufacturing issues with ADHD medication will be resolved by December 2023. Currently not all medication is affected so if in doubt check with your local pharmacy who are the best ones to keep you updated.

ADHD Drug Shortage!
Raising awareness of all things ADHD! - ADHD pexels mohamed abdelghaffar 783941
What’s causing this issue?

The NHS are saying that the manufacturing issues for ADHD medication is due to increased demand, but logically it’s more likely to be down to international politics on import and exports of medication.


Pharmacy Stock Check
  • There is a website that shows where in the UK you can get hold of ADHD medication at boots phamacies. Click here to check if any is available near you.
  • The NHS has a find a pharmacy page where you can find local pharmacies near you to ring and check if they have any of your ADHD medication. Find this tool here
  • It has been brought to our attention that all boots pharmacies now offer a script stock check for certain medications to let you know when they are back in stock so that you can reserve them earlier. You can sign up by giving your phone number and then will recieve a text message like the one below.
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Listen to the above ADHD medication crisis podcast special here!


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