The Play’s the Thing!!

Curtains with people

I always think it’s a fine balance for ADHD, we walk a tight rope between motivation and determination or demotivation and procrastination, usually we end up falling on one side or the other but if we get it right, we can utilise some really impressive skills. Unfortunately, getting it right can be influenced by all sorts of factors from mood and passion to environment. Recently […]

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Two Days in the Sun then a Reality Check!!

Two Days in the Sun then a Reality Check!!

Monday has never been my friend, it always slams into me like a fierce wave before tossing around before plonking me back on land then doing it all over again. It may sound dramatic but I can’t stress enough how dramatically Monday impacts my executive functioning. Executive functioning is basically all the skills required to get things done, so you can understand why its major […]

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Learning to Focus in the Rain

feet in splashes of water

I have no idea what’s wrong with me lately! Is it stress? Is it a vitamin deficiency? My ADHD has been pretty bad when it comes to actually maintaining an attention span, which is frustrating as anything if you’re like me and want to get stuff done. Having said that I always talk about the importance of us ADHDers being kind to ourselves and giving […]

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Shifting Focus

shifting focus adhd

So, my last post was kind of dramatic, but I’ll be totally honest and admit I was heading for a breakdown. Anyway, I’m in a slightly better place now and life carries on doesn’t it? I suppose that’s annoying and reassuring in equal measure. That the world pays no attention to you when you are struggling, but also that despite the fact you feel like […]

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