For the Love of Me (with ADHD!)

For the Love of Me (with ADHD!)

I am writing this about nine minutes before this blog article is due to go live, so no pressure, ey? Everything just seems to have gotten away from my over this past week. As I’ve said in previous blog articles I suffer from seasonal affective disorder which means that November-January for me is definitely no picnic. Thankfully I’m over the worst part of it which […]

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The SAD truth of ADHD!

A lack of sunlight is enough to make anybody miserable but it can also worsen the symtoms of ADHD

Approximately 30% of people who have ADHD, also have something called SAD otherwise known as Seasonal Affective Disorder. In essence, it means that for six months of the year your mental health suffers and so in effect so does your ADHD. It’s been 5 years since I first discovered that I have this condition and in that time I’ve been finding out how and why […]

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