For the Love of Me (with ADHD!)

Raising awareness of all things ADHD! - ADHD tim mossholder SR8ByN6xY3k unsplash

I am writing this about nine minutes before this blog article is due to go live, so no pressure, ey? Everything just seems to have gotten away from my over this past week. As I’ve said in previous blog articles I suffer from seasonal affective disorder which means that November-January for me is definitely no picnic.

Thankfully I’m over the worst part of it which tends to dark depression that sets in from mid-November until the end of December. However, it’s the motivation part that’s still hitting me hard. Obviously when you have ADHD, motivation is already hard to come by so when you also have seasonal affective disorder too, it’s like fighting an uphill battle.

“It’s emotionally exhausting constantly trying to overcome aspects of ADHD, which is why self-love is even more important for us!!”


Combined with that this is the first week in which normal routine has resumed so part of my ADHD brain is relieved that I might finally be able to be productive, and the other part is screaming that I should just relax and take it easy. Which side do I listen to? Well I had a session with my therapist the other day and he suggested that I need to be kinder too myself because I’m constantly beating myself up, does that sound like ADHD or what?

It was actually a really useful session, and I didn’t even realise I needed it so much until I went into it and things came spilling out like word vomit. Lots of things were discussed, which I’m definitely not going to talk about on a public blog but one thing that I realised I need to do moving forward is something that sounds so simple, but yet I don’t do it often enough. I’m going to start asking “What am I saying to myself? Is that the truth? Is it helpful?”

“ADHDers are very critical of themselves, not because they deserve it, because that’s how they’ve been taught to be!”


We all have an inner voice and those of us with ADHD can sometimes be cursed with a nasty inner voice due to the way we were treated over ADHD. We were sometimes made to feel like things were our fault, that we were useless because we couldn’t hit neurotypical expectations, but that’s just how we were made to feel, it’s not who we are. Who we are is people with ADHD who deserved to be loved, even more so by ourselves.

I hope you’ve managed to get back into some sort of routine in the New Year ADHDers and allies (and if not just try to be gentle with yourself),  see you next week at the usual time where hopefully I’ll have a bigger burst of motivation to get stuff done in advance.


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