If you have ADHD that I’ll a wager a bet that when it comes to showering or even bathing that you’re not a quick in and an out person? Me I take a good twenty minutes, minimum. What if I told you there was a reason for these long showers or bathing sessions?
Studies have in fact proven that showers can really help with emotional regulation, and let’s face it does anybody know a person with ADHD who doesn’t need their emotions regulating? Apparently, the hot water in showers or baths, helps to loosen cortisol in muscle which is a stress hormone in the body.
“I really do feel like for children adults with additional needs, downtime and opportunities to de-stress can be so important!”
Sometimes, I’ll just stand in the shower for ages contemplating life, and it really helps. Unfortunately, our bathroom is kind of falling apart at the moment so that doesn’t make for a stress-free shower (finally get a new one in about 9 weeks-yippee!) but that’s the point here.
The point is if you want to be less stressed and manage your ADHD better than maybe a hot shower every day, or even every other day is the way to go. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to be standing under the shower for at least an hour to de-stress.
Catch you next week ADHDers and allies.