Typewriter with word goals - about ADHD goals

We ADHDers never tend to think of ourselves of people who can achieve goals for two main reasons; one we’ve put down so much that by the time we reach adulthood we think we’re incapable of doing anything write or/ and two; we’ve never learned to set goals in a way that really benefit us. Fortunately, and unfortunately, I’ve been on both ends of that […]

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The Play’s the Thing!!

Curtains with people

I always think it’s a fine balance for ADHD, we walk a tight rope between motivation and determination or demotivation and procrastination, usually we end up falling on one side or the other but if we get it right, we can utilise some really impressive skills. Unfortunately, getting it right can be influenced by all sorts of factors from mood and passion to environment. Recently […]

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For the Love of Me (with ADHD!)

For the Love of Me (with ADHD!)

I am writing this about nine minutes before this blog article is due to go live, so no pressure, ey? Everything just seems to have gotten away from my over this past week. As I’ve said in previous blog articles I suffer from seasonal affective disorder which means that November-January for me is definitely no picnic. Thankfully I’m over the worst part of it which […]

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