Hello, my ADHD friends and associates, today I saw something that got my blood boiling, can you imagine what it was? It was another article questioning whether ADHD even exists!! How are we still having this conversation in the 21st century?? I’d be ok if it was just simpletons or uneducated dimwits who were coming out with these statements, but the people making these totally false insinuations are teachers and doctors!!
Now you could obviously argue that doctors might have some idea what they are talking about but let’s not forget that doctors like everyone are flawed and they cannot be an expert in every single condition, disease or illness. To the doctors, teachers and even people who claim ADHD does not exist let me ask you one simple question; have you ever met anybody with ADHD?
The teacher I met who knew a child with ADHD claimed that their condition was simple a result of bad parenting. Yet when I spoke to the child’s mother she revealed to me that she had tried everything to get him support, attended parenting classes, been to the doctors ect. So, are these people too narrow minded or simply too quick to judge without having the whole picture?
Perhaps because I have known nothing but my ADHD diagnosis since the age of ten, then it’s hard for me to imagine anybody doubting its existence, but I’m a firm believer in going in with an open mind and treating people with kindness. In the UK, there is no conclusive benefit to pursuing a diagnosis of ADHD for the sake of it. It’s a daunting task where you literally have to ruthlessly and vigorously hold people accountable to get the right support. Why would anybody do that if they were simply a bad parent? It just doesn’t make sense. The irony is that while people claim ADHD is an excuse for bad parenting, perhaps ‘AHDD doesn’t exist is simply an excuse for ignorance’
I knew from the age of four years old that I was very different from other children, teachers knew that I could not conform in school (though some tried to blame it on lack of discipline- had they even met my parents?), friends knew there was something wrong- the problem is nobody ever knew just what was different about me, why I struggled, what was wrong, until I got my diagnosis. I was tested, prodded, and poked by ever expert going including psychologists, doctors and behavioural therapists.
When I got my diagnosis, it was prove that my difficulties, my struggle, my life was real. You want proof that ADHD exists? I am the proof! And so is everybody else who has ever received a diagnosis, because let me tell you, they don’t just hand out ADHD labels like lollipops! Most of us had to fight tooth and nail to be heard, seen and get their label and I will be damned if anybody, whether that be a doctor, teacher or any other so-called expert is going to tell me that it isn’t real. I am real, my experience is real, and my ADHD is real!!
“If you have ADHD, if you know someone who struggles with it then that is all the proof that’s needed. Why would we struggle if there was any other choice?”
Next week’s blog article is going to be about the science of ADHD, offering further proof that it is real, but then we’re probably always get some people who would rather be snug in their ignorance claiming the contrary. Those people, are not worth bothering with because our truth cannot be denied, no matter how much they try to ignore it.