I have no idea what’s wrong with me lately! Is it stress? Is it a vitamin deficiency? My ADHD has been pretty bad when it comes to actually maintaining an attention span, which is frustrating as anything if you’re like me and want to get stuff done.
Having said that I always talk about the importance of us ADHDers being kind to ourselves and giving ourselves leeway when we’re having a bad day, week, or month. There has been lots going on in my life lately and I don’t know if any of you guys ever have those times when you just feel completely out of sync? Like you know what you need to do, but your head can’t grasp the ability to do it? Have I just describe ADHD in a nutshell?
Anyway, we’re going on our family holiday very soon and of course my brain is racing full speed ahead and thinking of all the worst possible scenarios. While this can be good for preparation, it’s not great for my emotional wellbeing.
Then there is everything connected to the fostering, which has been pretty stressful for some parts to tell you the truth. I know the children’s services want the best for my children but everything these days is tied up in bureaucracy and admin errors.
I don’t know if I ever mentioned on here, but I’ve also taken on the role of parent governor at the kids school, because I love being involved in education and helping to make a difference. Also, I don’t think anybody else particularly wanted the role. Well talk about bad timing, we literally got inspected by Ofsted a few weeks after I took over the role so had to ensure I studied hard to prepare for that.
Then one of my foster kids was in school for the teacher’s strike days scheduled and the other wasn’t (as a former teacher I support the strikes and hope they get the pay increase they deserve), which meant I couldn’t get as much as I wanted done over those two days, but hey that’s life I guess.
So all in all, perhaps the reason I haven’t been able to focus is my brain has been bouncing from one situation to the next without any reprieve. Indeed, this week (I’m writing this on Monday) I’ve started to feel a bit more like myself in my ability to focus, so maybe it was just having a lot on my plate. I do usually tend to cope well if I have things to keep me busy but even if I have my limits.
I should also note that I don’t take any medication for my ADHD, some days I wish I did, but most of the time I’m glad I don’t. I still remember how I felt like when I was on Ritalin, devoid of emotion and creativity. For some people they may not have that reaction, and if they do then they might be ok with it, but creativity is a big part of my personality, I wouldn’t be an author or a blogger without it.
Anyway guys, I guess what I’m trying to say is some days and weeks you might just have to ride out the storm by learning to dance, or in case focus to some degree, in the rain and wait for the sun to shine once more. Take care ADHD friends and I hope you see more sunshine than storms over the next week.