When I started this blog two and a half years ago, I just wanted people to know what ADHD is and what it’s not. I thought by talking about my personal experiences of having ADHD then it might help others going through similar things.
Of course, it’s not been without challenges, for example my bad memory means I have to check previous blog topics to make sure I’m not repeating myself, and then of course like any thing I’ve had to balance spending time doing the blog with other things such as fostering and writing my novels.
My podcast launched last month, and I’m so pleased with how the first episode has been received, and where that’s going to go. I’ve had lots of people in the ADHD community telling me that I’m doing an amazing thing but better than that I’ve had people saying they’ve learnt things they never knew through the podcast and later checking out the blog. It made me realise that my dream for my blog and indeed this whole website has now expanded more than I could have hoped.
So, moving forward you’ll probably notice some changes to this website as I move it from just a blog to an education site in the hopes of raising more awareness of ADHD on a wider scope. I’ll be doing this by adding even more resources. Of course, they’ll still be the blog, though I’m wondering if updating it weekly may become a bit much at some point, so I’ll see how I go. The podcast is something I’m heavily focusing on for now because podcasts in general have become increasingly popular and it’s a great way of reaching people in a different way.
The changes I’m taking about are things like eventually adding a training section, a news section and more. Basically, the more ways we can reach people the better chance we have of raising awareness of ADHD. I know, the changes won’t happen overnight, so I hope you’ll be patient with me. I even hear some of you say I might be biting of more than I can chew, but in response I simply say this, I have ADHD and if I don’t bite off more than I can chew then I have no bite at all.
It’s an exciting time ADHDers, not just for me, but for all of us, we have a real chance to pave the way for change, to be heard and seen, to make people understand what we have to go through on a daily basis. Maybe then there will be a smoother pathway to a diagnosis and better access to support.
Speaking of which, I will be addressing the medication crisis shortage on my website tomorrow and in a one-off special podcast episode soon, as I am aware that lots of you may be struggling with your mental health at the moment due to a lack of or change of medication. Hang on in there guys; hopefully it will be over soon.
Know that you matter ADHDers! That you have lots to give to the world! You just need the right access to support! Until next time!!